Leila and the blue fox

She was very tired. She lay down, her soft head on her soft paws. The sunset licked her face. The snow covered her like a blanket. Fox wakes, and begins to walk. She crosses ice and snow, over mountains and across frozen oceans, encountering bears and birds beneath the endless daylight of an Arctic summer, navigating a world that is vast, wild and wondrous. Meanwhile, Leila embarks on a journey of her own – finding her way to the mother who left her. On a breathtaking journey across the sea, Leila rediscovers herself and the mother she thought she’d lost, with help from a determined little fox.


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SKU 9781510110281 Category

Author Hargrave, Kiran Millwood Published by Orion Children’s Books ISBN 9781510110281 EAN 9781510110281 Bic Code YFN|YFH| Cover Paperback