A year ago, beloved cheerleader Stella Blackthorn vanished without a trace. Devastated, her younger sister, Iris, launched her own investigation, but all she managed to do was scare off the police’s only lead and earn a stern warning: once she turns eighteen, more meddling means prison-level consequences. Then, a year later, the unthinkable happens. Iris’s ex-girlfriend, Heather, goes missing, too – just after dropping the polarizing last episode of her true crime podcast all about Iris’s sister. This time, nothing will stop Iris and her amateur sleuthing agency from solving these disappearances. But with a suspicious detective watching her every move, an enemy-turned-friend-turned-maybe-more to contend with, and only thirty days until she turns eighteen, it’s a race against the clock for Iris to solve the most dangerous case of her life.
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Author Victoria Wlosok Published by Hodder Children’s Books ISBN 9781510202726 EAN 9781510202726 Bic Code Cover Paperback
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