Dai George: How to Think Like a Poet – The Poets That Made Our World and Why We Need Them

Date: 15th September
Time: 1:00pm
Location: Tetbury Goods Shed

Poet, writer and academic Dai George will be introducing his new book about opening poetry up and making it accessible and understandable. Through short, biographical portraits, Dai provides an entertaining introduction to great works of poetry, and an inclusive guide to how we can read them.

His new book paints vivid pictures of a selection of poets throughout history: from Sappho, Li Bai and Rumi, to William Shakespeare and John Donne, Frank O’Hara, Pablo Neruda and Sylvia Plath. George thinks again about the canon, and champions major figures from other important cultures and communities, including China, India and the Caribbean.

Dai George is a poet, novelist and Lecturer in Creative Arts and Humanities at UCL. He will be in conversation with JLM Morton, herself a great advocate for the role of poetry in everyday life, teacher and poet.